The Poole Pirates Riders Equipment Fund have announced details of their next social evening, which will take place on Wednesday 12th March, 7.30pm ...
It is with great relief that we can confirm the Pirates will take to the track at Wimborne Road on Wednesday 9th June vs the Berwick Bandits
After months of discussions we finally received the good news yesterday from our landlords and now have 3 weeks to prepare the racing surface along with making the Stadium Covid safe.
Matt Ford the Pirates owner commented "I cannot say it's been easy, in fact that's an understatement, but it's now all systems go for Wednesday 9th June when we will get to see the team ride its first home fixture in 21 months.
I would like to go on record in thanking George Edwards of Gaming International our landlords, along with Drew Mellor head of the BCP Council and Mohan Iyengar head of Tourism for the borough in collectively driving this forward. I know how concerned you our supporters have been, and we thank you for your patience whilst extensive talks have taken place.
Of course we collectively are still under certain restrictions due to the virus, which will have an impact on our crowd for the 9th June. Tickets will be available shortly from our new ticketing partner Seatedly, so keep an eye on the clubs website and Social Media posts regarding availability."
"Due to current regulations, and to maximise numbers, we will initially be putting blocks of 6 tickets available to supporters wishing to attend with Family and Friends. (The Government guideline is a maximum of two households). After 72 hours this will be offered to people wishing to purchase 4 or more tickets and finally to smaller groups approximately 8 days after first going on general sale."
"We understand how frustrating this will be too many of our regular supporters. The best way to attend the meeting on the 9th is coming with family or friends that have been in your bubble during these trying times for us all. The capacity for the meeting is just 30% of the usual Stadium capacity, so we ask you for your patience and understanding until restrictions are hopefully lifted in time for our second home meeting on the 23rd June.
Sadly it will mean that some may be unsuccessful in purchasing tickets, and we can confirm that the club is in discussions to Live Stream the event so everyone around the world will get a chance to see the new look Pirates."
"Most importantly, we look forward to getting back on track in competitive action. Due to restrictions we will not be having a Press Day , but hope to offer the team 1-2 chances to try the track before the 9th June.
We look forward to welcoming you back shortly and plan a further ticket announcement within the next 48 hours."
Matt and Danny Ford
#piratepride #speedway
The Poole Pirates Riders Equipment Fund have announced details of their next social evening, which will take place on Wednesday 12th March, 7.30pm ...
Poole have finalised their 2025 starting line-up with the addition of Australian rider Matt Marson, joining their treble-defending campaign.
Poole Speedway has made the decision not to participate in the 2025 Premiership Knockout Cup. While the invitation was both unexpected and exciting...
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