
Long-term club backers Wessex Marine have stepped up their commitment with the Pirates and will be the main team sponsors for the 2023 campaign.

As Poole prepare for a third successive double assault the backing from the local Poole company comes as major boost in the arm of the Pirates, as club owner Matt Ford acknowledges, "we haven't had a main team sponsor now for the past few seasons and to think that we now can carry the Wessex Marine name in our title is a great thing. They have been associated with Poole Speedway for so many years, even before I bought the club. David, Amanda, Guy and Toby have always been there for us and without fail, since I have owned Poole speedway, they have been the first sponsors to come on board each season. So, as Poole Speedway heads into its seventy-fifth season we are delighted to have such loyal backing and hopefully we can repeat the achievements of the past two seasons and in 2023 see the Poole Wessex Marine Pirates as champions.

The Adams family have, first and foremost, been speedway fans and  Guy Adams explains, " We have supported and sponsored Matt & Poole Speedway for longer than we can remember now, but we are particularly excited this year as 2023 will be our first as title sponsor of the Pirates. Over the years we have supported the very best in the world, from multi-world champion Tony Rickardsson down to grassroots level and under 18 level for the Young Lions which is something we very much believe in by helping the up and coming stars. But above all,  the most important support we have ever given is to Poole Speedway, because without Poole speedway none of the rest of it happens."
"Matt and Danny work so hard to bring the speedway that we all know and love to Wimborne Road and they have had to work harder than ever this winter to bring the seven riders to tapes and we can't wait to get going. Matt and Danny and the Pirates deserve your support this year, more than any other year, and we look forward to seeing you down the stadium very soon."
Managing Director, David, added "We’ve seen nearly everyone who matters in the last 20 years of racing, from the top world champions to the youngest up-and-comings and everyone in between.  And something happens to every guy who puts on the skull & crossbones.  There’s an extra feelgood factor about being a Pirate which is hard to quantify but it’s apparent nevertheless and that helps to explain how the team keeps winning with the support of Matt, Danny, Neil and Havvy. Every person who dons the blue & white gives something extra and feels the responsibility of riding for the best club in speedway.  And that merits all our unstinting support.  Wessex Marine is honoured to be such a long term sponsor of that best club - Poole Pirates."

The company's commitment to the sport has not just been restricted to the Pirates, as they have but also backed a number of individual riders and are also prominent sponsors within the GB Youth circles. Wessex Marine has over 50 years experience of the boat building business and their success and the family run business believes their approach complements fully their range of products which specialise in the supply of new and pre-owned Scandinavian boats including the Targa, Marex, Saga boats and Levi Boat Company brands.

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