Poole Speedway has made the decision not to participate in the 2025 Premiership Knockout Cup. While the invitation was both unexpected and exciting...
Gordon Pairman is relishing his new role for 2015 having recently been elected as the one of two BSPA representatives on the SCB.
Poole's co-promoter Pairman who accedes to the role previously undertaken by Wolverhampton's promoter Chris van Straaten commented "I am looking forward to representing the BSPA within the Speedway Control Bureau and I would personally, and on behalf of the BSPA, extend my thanks to Chris for the time he has expended previously in the role which has spanned a number of years.
"I will join our chairman Alex Harkess within the SCB and strategically I think this is for the overall benefit of speedway.
As I am not part of the BSPA Management Committee I would not be precluded from having a vote should there be any management committee decisions referred up to the SCB."
The reality of that view is due to the fact that the SCB comprises of two members of the A.C.U. (Auto Cycling Union), two BSPA members and an independent non-voting Chairman and so if a BSPA Management Committee referral came to be voted upon Mr Harkess would have to express a conflict of interest, as too would Mr van Straaten had he continued his role following his recent appointment to BSPA vice-chairman, thus effectively leaving the decisions solely to the ACU representatives.
Poole Speedway has made the decision not to participate in the 2025 Premiership Knockout Cup. While the invitation was both unexpected and exciting...
Mark your calendars! The Pirates' 2025 fixtures are here, kicking off with a MASSIVE showdown against Oxford!
BRITISH Speedway’s Championship league is delighted to confirm an extension of its title sponsorship deal with Cab Direct.
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