RESULT: Poole Pirates 56 Oxford Cheetahs 34 (95-85 on aggregate) - POOLE Crowned Champions


POOLE are the  2024 SGB Cab Direct Champions following a 56-34 second leg victory at Wimborne Road to secure a 95-85 aggregate victory

Facing a double digit deficit, the last thing the Pirates needed were early problems but a seized engine for Vinnie Foord whilst on parade was a cause for concern. As too was a first heat disqualification for Richard Lawson as he was trying to go under Sam Masters, room that Lawson was convinced was available and a move that Masters was more than likely expecting. Things were beginning to go Oxford's way, although an untimely rear by Dan Gilkes around the first bend of the re-started opening heat left him drifting across the track in front of the oncoming Sam Hagon, who thankfully was available to avoid, happy to drop into second place to mitigate the heat loss.

There were more red lights in heat two as Foord and Luke Killeen clashed down the back straight as the Poole man was attempting to follow partner Tobias Thomsen through. It was a tough call but Killeen was adjudged to have caused the incident by turning in on the pursuing Foord. This re-run had the Poole duo in early command , wiping out the heat one loss and nicking two points off the first leg deficit. For a third consecutive heat it was necessary to illuminate the stop lights, Zach Cook and Ashton Boughen making contact off the start, the Oxford rider taking a heavy fall into the first turn fence. All four back were entitled to go again and this time Cameron Heeps made a telling move on Zach, who tried hard to respond but had to concede the second place, all the while Ben was setting the pace out front. Brennan produced a ruthless ride in heat four, standing his ground against one of the toughest riders in British Speedway, Scott Nicholls. With Foord picking up a point for third, Poole were banking the heat advantages they needed and had now put themselves within six points of Oxford. 

Zach Cook seemed to come from nowhere in heat five to pass Dan Gilkes but uncharacteristically Ben was pegged at the back and he chose to ride the tightest possible inside line throughout, never quite getting on the line he needed to get under Gilkes. That might well have proved crucial as Masters was leading in style and so it was the visitors who were celebrating the heat gain this time around. Sam Hagon bravely went round Nicholls on the first bend but then lifted down the back straight, losing momentum and dropping back to last place. But Killeen then spun out on the second lap causing a re-run without him, and end his night's work as he was ruled out on medical advice. Nicholls couldn't hide his keenness to get away and picked up a warning as the race was called back. Lawson emphatically saw him off at the third attempt, restoring the margin of six on aggregate. Brennan was fast in heat seven and missed the action behind as Thomsen, urged on by the wall of sound managed to get by Heeps and hold position for a much needed Pirates 5-1, one that was deserving of a Danish donut - ask for one when you are next in Greggs!!!! 

Hagon was stood down in heat eight in favour of Thomsen and initially it looked as Poole might pull off another heat advantage as Foord made a good move on Jody Scott. But he lost control on back straight, in doing so lost position. Never one to give up the quest Vinnie was looking keen to try and repass Scott and as they crossed the line for the second lap there was contact between the two riders who both took a full throttle, head on flight into the first turn air barrier. Remarkably both were able to walk away but although there was a case that Scott had turned in on Foord's line, it was the Poole man ruled out from the re-run, leaving him time to assess the severe damage to his machine, one that is unlikely to ever see a track again! In the re-run Tobias had planned a clever cut-back, but Gilkes was mindful of his intentions and blocked it well. Oxford took a 2-4 from the heat meaning Poole still needed two more heat advantages just to get their noses in front.

One of those was forthcoming as Ben Cook enjoyed  a comfortable win whilst Zach had to work, getting by Nicholls on first turn then had being on full alert especially for the whole of the final lap, before sealing the Poole 5-1 that levelled the tie at 72-all. What a time then for Boughen to extend his personal success against Lawson, especially at Wimborne Road. Every move the Rocketman attempted was matched by Boughen and with Hagon out of the points Poole were behind again. Brennan produced another forceful ride in heat eleven but Thomsen couldn't do anything about Masters and Gilkes who were both ahead of him. But moments later he was to become a hero again. This time he held out Boughen, thus supporting Ben Cook's runaway victory and significantly the 5-1 put Poole narrowly ahead on aggregate. 

Heat thirteen delivered one of the tightest first laps seen for many a while. Lawson was away and gone but Brennan was putting Masters under so much intense pressure. Somehow the Oxford number one withheld the threat but with Nicholls out of the running Poole were able to double their aggregate advantage for four points. This left Oxford needing two heat advantages, and to seal the win, one of them needed to be a 5-1, Poole effectively needed  a heat advantage to put the tie beyond the reach of the Cheetahs. Who better to have in heat fourteen at Wimborne Road, than Zach Cook and the lad didn't disappoint. Thomsen was in third but threw everything he had to try and pass Heeps, a task that was denied him, but it made no difference, his performance throughout the night had been highly instrumental in seeing Poole produce an incredible turn-round and regain the title of League Champions. You might have expected heat fifteen to have been a formality, but the effort Nicholls invested in it trying to get by Lawson was immense and not that of a defeated captain. It was typical of the passion that both sides showed that made this meeting one to be remembered for a very long time and the appetite for the KO Cup is more than whetted as both teams meet again for that piece of silverware - one that has the treble resting on it from a Poole perspectiv

Richard Lawson X0,3,2,3,2'=10+1 (5)
Sam Hagon 2,1,RS,0=3 (3)
Ben Cook 3,0,3,3=9 (4)
Zach Cook 1,2,2',3=8+1 (4)
Tom Brennan 3,3,3,1,3=13 (5)
Tobias Thomsen 3,2',2,0,2',1=10+2 (6)
Vinnie Foord 2',1,FD,RS=3+1 (3)
Sam Masters 3,3,2,2,0=10 (5)
Dan Gilkes 1,1,3,1'=6+1 (4)
Ashton Boughen 0,0,3,1=4 (4)
Cameron Heeps 2,1,1,2=6 (4)
Scott Nicholls 2,2,1,0,1=6 (5)
Luke Killeen FD,FD,NS,NS=0 (2)
Jody Scott 1,0,1,0,0,0=2 (6)
Ht 1:  S.Masters, S.Hagon, D.Gilkes, R.Lawson [exc] 2-4 2-4 [62.71]
Ht 2:  T.Thomsen, V.Foord, J.Scott, L.Killeen [fell exc] 5-1 7-5 [63.28]
Ht 3:  B.Cook, C.Heeps, Z.Cook, A.Boughen 4-2 11-7 [61.29]
Ht 4:  T.Brennan, S.Nicholls, V.Foord, J.Scott 4-2 15-9 [61.41]
Ht 5:  S.Masters, Z.Cook, D.Gilkes, B.Cook 2-4 17-13 [61.13]
Ht 6:  R.Lawson, S.Nicholls, S.Hagon, L.Killeen [fell exc] 4-2 21-15 [61.22]
Ht 7:  T.Brennan, T.Thomsen, C.Heeps, A.Boughen 5-1 26-16 [62.09]
Ht 8:  D.Gilkes, T.Thomsen, J.Scott, V.Foord [fell exc] 2-4 28-20 [61.88]
Ht 9:  B.Cook, Z.Cook, S.Nicholls, J.Scott, L.Killeen [NS] 5-1 33-21 [60.81]
Ht 10:  A.Boughen, R.Lawson, C.Heeps, S.Hagon 2-4 35-25 [61.47]
Ht 11:  T.Brennan, S.Masters, D.Gilkes, T.Thomsen 3-3 38-28 [61.91]
Ht 12:  B.Cook, T.Thomsen, A.Boughen, J.Scott, L.Killeen [NS] 5-1 43-29 [61.75]
Ht 13:  R.Lawson, S.Masters, T.Brennan, S.Nicholls 4-2 47-31 [61]
Ht 14:  Z.Cook, C.Heeps, T.Thomsen, J.Scott 4-2 51-33 [60.65]
Ht 15:  T.Brennan, R.Lawson, S.Nicholls, S.Masters 5-1 56-34 [62.27]

SGB Referee Mr Michael Breckon 
POOLE won toss and chose gates 1&3 | OXFORD choose gates 1&3 in heat 15  

Photo credit Tony Hartmann & Anthony Burchall

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