REPORT: Poole Pirates v Plymouth Gladiators Knockout Cup


The Wessex Marine Pirates came from behind and built a double figure lead to take to Plymouth in the second leg of their Knockout Cup quarter final.

Although the visiting Gladiators turned round the heat one result from their previous Wimborne Road defeat to march into a 5-1 advantage it was to prove the only time that the Devon side were to outscore the Pirates in a heat over the course of this knockout cup first leg. 

They were aided in that opening heat as Steve Worrall suffered gremlins and only lasted half a lap before having to pull onto the infield, but to the credit of Dan Gilkes he did well to block out an early 'nibble' by Anders Rowe to remain positioned behind his skipper Kyle Howarth. In heat two Jake Turner earned himself a starting warning as he attempted to go too early, but timed the re-start impeccably and was still first away, but Kyle Newman picked him off at the close of the first lap, although the Gladiator didn't give up without a fight over the course of the second circuit. Poole's impressive Cook boys were convincing in heat three as they put Poole ahead for the first time, a 5-1 over former Pirate Paul Starke and Ben Barker. Plymouth had the 'Rich' pickings in heat 4, with Richie Worrall holding off Richard Lawson who had to battle by Turner. The Kiwi then found himself a little out of shape on turn four,  but managed to stay aboard, before retiring two laps later.

Heat five signalled the battle of the "5-1ers" and it was the Poole pairing that prevailed with Zach (Cook) creating a clear opening for his sibling as he made brilliant second turn move to ride Howarth out. Another set of brothers took to the track it heat six, this time the Worrall twins in opposition and they both took a long time to settle. But once up at the tapes it was the elder of the two, Richie, who was  first out and he never looked back. After a first outing duck egg Barker made the wide outside work for him on the fourth turn in heat seven to blitz by both Newman and Lawson, neither of whom could respond. Both sides rang the changes in heat 8 with the respective number sixes replacing the number sevens, but the best switch was that of the lines navigated by Rowe to dive under Turner and join Newman at the front for another set of maximum points for the Pirates. A great heat nine unfolded with Zach Cook getting clear of Richie Worrall but the brilliance of the race was Ben Cook's ride to come fighting back on lap 2 to go under the Plymouth man and establish three out of three for the Cook pairing.  Steve Worrall was back to winning ways, but partner Newman couldn't contribute, packing up on lap three after showing early promise but as Poole moved into a fourteen point lead, that opening four point deficit seemed a long way away. Lawson made light work of getting to the front for his first win immediately after the interval. He was joined in the early stages by a great move from Kyle Newman but Howarth never gave up and managed to repay the compliment later in the heat splitting the Pirates. The outcome of heat twelve gave the assurance that Poole would be going to Plymouth on Tuesday with some advantage, as Ben Cook delivered a tapes to flag victory and Adam Roynon battled into third place to provide Poole with an eighteen point lead with just three first leg heats to go. 
Howarth was sharp away in the first of those remaining three races, but Lawson was quickest to the first turn and made it two from two on the win count. The heat also witnessed a good tussle between the Worrall boys and once again it was Richie who prevailed, serving to share the heat.

Barker progressively built up a distance advantage over Zach Cook but the Aussie refused to give up ultimately though having to settle for second, whilst Neman came home third. Barker signed off the meeting with the highest count of first finishes, gaining his third and denying Ben Cook who was previously unbeaten, the chance to experience his first heat leader maximum, but nevertheless the  shared heat protected Poole's eighteen point advantage to put themselves in a strong position ahead of the second leg.


Heat Details

Steve Worrall R,1',3,0=4+1 (4)
Anders Rowe 1,2,2',RS=5+1 (3)
Ben Cook 3,2',2',3,1'=11+3 (5)
Zach Cook 2',3,3,2=10+1 (4)
Richard Lawson 2,1',3,3,2=11+1 (5)
Kyle Newman 3,2,3,R,1,1'=10+1 (6)
Adam Roynon 1,1',RS,1=3+1 (3)
Kyle Howarth 3,0,2,2,0=7 (5)
Dan Gilkes 2',1,1,0=4+1 (4)
Paul Starke 1,0,2,2=5 (4)
Ben Barker 0,3,1',3,3=10+1 (5)
Richie Worrall 3,3,1,1'=8+1 (4)
Jake Turner 2,R,RS,0,RS,0=2 (4)
Ben Trigger 0,RS,0,RS,0,0=0 (4)
Ht 1:  K.Howarth, D.Gilkes, A.Rowe, S.Worrall [rtd] 1-5 1-5 [59.34]
Ht 2:  K.Newman, J.Turner, A.Roynon, B.Trigger 4-2 5-7 [60.37]
Ht 3:  B.Cook, Z.Cook, P.Starke, B.Barker 5-1 10-8 [59.56]
Ht 4:  R.Worrall, R.Lawson, A.Roynon, J.Turner [rtd] 3-3 13-11 [59.93]
Ht 5:  Z.Cook, B.Cook, D.Gilkes, K.Howarth 5-1 18-12 [59.96]
Ht 6:  R.Worrall, A.Rowe, S.Worrall, B.Trigger 3-3 21-15 [59.56]
Ht 7:  B.Barker, K.Newman, R.Lawson, P.Starke 3-3 24-18 [60.46]
Ht 8:  K.Newman, A.Rowe, D.Gilkes, J.Turner 5-1 29-19 [61.44]
Ht 9:  Z.Cook, B.Cook, R.Worrall, B.Trigger 5-1 34-20 [59.84]
Ht 10:  S.Worrall, P.Starke, B.Barker, K.Newman [rtd] 3-3 37-23 [60.53]
Ht 11:  R.Lawson, K.Howarth, K.Newman, D.Gilkes 4-2 41-25 [60.65]
Ht 12:  B.Cook, P.Starke, A.Roynon, J.Turner 4-2 45-27 [60.43]
Ht 13:  R.Lawson, K.Howarth, R.Worrall, S.Worrall 3-3 48-30 [60.72]
Ht 14:  B.Barker, Z.Cook, K.Newman, B.Trigger 3-3 51-33 [61.37]
Ht 15:  B.Barker, R.Lawson, B.Cook, K.Howarth 3-3 54-36 []

REFEREE: Paul Carrington 

Photos: Anthony Burchall


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